Some of my first beliefs about this earthly existence were:
- Life is too hard
- I need people to rescue me
- I’m dangerous; because of me people could die
You might wonder how a small baby could have such thoughts and take on these beliefs;
Let me explain . . . .
When we have a thought and feelings are attached to that thought, it forms a belief. Our beliefs influence how we see the world and how we react to things that happen. When beliefs are formed during traumatic experiences it can compound that belief. Those beliefs become our truths and we function from that place.
With this in mind, please consider the traumatic events of my birth. My mother was in labor with me for 48 hours. I had finally made it into the birth canal and was almost ready to make my grand entrance into the world. But, instead of coming into the world following natural design, the doctor decided to do a C-Section. In order to perform the procedure he had to pull me back out of the birth canal, and the incision he had made. And with that I came into this world. Due to major complications from the surgery, my mother was ill and very near death for weeks after my birth. I was cared for by my father and grandmother. I had no opportunity to bond with my mother until I was two months old.
I do not have conscious memories of my birth. I believe that even as a new baby my Higher Self or Spirit was aware of what was going on. I did not yet have the reasoning skills or other life experiences to influence my newly forming beliefs about earth life. These beliefs which became my truths began to form through the initial trauma of my birth. Lucky for me they were soon followed by an out pouring of love and support from my parents.
As I look back on my life I recognize behaviors and choices I have made which have been influenced by the trauma and the love.
Through our thoughts, feelings and beliefs we create the life we live. As we learn to understand this and act on it, our potential is truly unlimited!
Today I no longer feel that “life is hard,” “I need to be rescued,” or that “I am dangerous to people.” Today I Love Life! I am passionate about what I am doing, my relationships and the future I see.
So what happened to make the big shift? Well to be honest many things happened and I will have to tell you about more of them in other blog posts. But for today let’s talk about how, I learned to trust, to let go of fear and embrace life. Not just the “good” days but all of it. I believe that we create our lives, and it begins with our thoughts. Today I accept my creation (my life) and do not blame anyone for it. I trust in the process, live in the present moment and have faith that where I am going is perfect for me.
Coming to this place of trust did not happen over night. As with most things it was a process. As a child I was obedient to a fault. (I am not bragging, I lived in fear of failure.) I was afraid if I did anything wrong (according to my perception) I would fail in this life. Just writing that, it feels really heavy, and it was. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be a good girl.
Fast forward to my adult life. I started taking some training and self improvement classes a few years ago. I started to let go of some of the beliefs I had formed as a baby and young child that had limited my perception of life. Little by little I peeled back the layers of fear that had held me small. Several times in these classes I participated in a “trust fall.” In a trust fall you stand on a high platform, fall backwards and trust the those on the ground will catch you and keep you safe. The goal is to let go of fear and limiting beliefs and simply trust as you step forward into your life.
When I say that I participated in the “trust fall” I mean that I learned how to catch other people. I was great at catching others. I even learned how to facilitate the trust fall and teach others to catch and keep everyone safe. But in all the trust falls I attended, never once was I the person who fell. I remember feeling bad that I didn’t get to do it, but I never spoke up and ask for a turn. It was just like my real life. I was there to help others, keep them safe, and help them to achieve their goals but not speaking up for what I wanted and needed. I learned a lot in these classes but I hadn’t let go of my fears and claimed my life in the fullest.
Then one day I just decided that I would create my own “trust fall.” I was ready to claim my life, to follow my passion and do all that I had come to this earth to do. My trust fall was going to be like no “trust fall” that I had ever attended. I decided to go for my life in a big way; I decided to “fall” out of an airplane 2 1/2 miles above the earth. I spent several months mentally preparing for this day. At first when I thought about skydiving I was afraid. But it wasn’t long before my desire to “really live life” replaced the fear. On the day that I jumped from that airplane, all I felt was a giddy excitement! My “trust fall” was all that I hoped for and more.
Now, you do not have to jump out of an airplane to claim your life, that just worked for me. Choosing to remember your passion for life and living it, begins with a thought. Add to that thought some positive feelings, create a supportive belief that leads to taking action, and you are on your way to all the joy you ever hoped for.
Just Trust Me!