Do you ever feel stuck, frustrated or concerned with the twists and turns of life? So often we head out on a path, eyes focused ahead, headed right toward our goal only to come to an unforeseen turn in our road. Without warning we are detoured in a directions we had no intention of going.
As I walked this labyrinth yesterday my mind was flooded with thoughts of times when the direction my life was taking suddenly changed. Some of the things that caused these changes were, job changes, accidents, decisions of others, choices I made, and deaths. No matter how prepared or focused we are on our goals, there WILL be unexpected changes in life.
Even in these unsettling times, we have choices.
1. We can kick, scream and fight what is happening. Many of us have tried this one. It might help to relieve some of the stress for a moment, but it is not a good long term solution. Chances are we will just end up feeling more frustrated and confused if we carry on too long. There is also the possibility of other people being hurt from the emotional explosion.
2. We can retreat, hide, cry, and choose not to face the obstacle. This too can be a good short term defense. If it gives you a moment to release some emotion and regroup it can be helpful. If we stay in this place for very long though, it will add to the feelings of overwhelm and be counter productive. I have a good friend that always told me, “You can have your pity party for 1 hour, then get your act together and face life!”
3. We can choose to accept, learn and grow from the new experience. When we come to a place of acceptance; fear, confusion and anxiety can melt away. In this place we are ready to get the learning.
4. We can embrace the new experience. When we are in a place of love where we understand that everything has a divine purpose, we can just BE. BE in the moment, BE in tune with our divine purpose, and we will BE at peace.
If you have ever walked a labyrinth, you know that you start out walking straight toward the center, your goal, the place you want to be. Then just before you reach the center, the path turns sharply. The course continues to twist and turn, in and out. Sometimes the goal is in sight. Then around the next turn it takes faith just to believe that it is still there. Eventually my focus went to the path I was walking. I became intrigued with the pattern, the rocks and the symmetrical design. I let go of worrying if I was going to make it to the middle and I began to have fun. As I let go of control I really started enjoying the journey. I was really getting into the experience when I found myself smack dab in the middle. Without stress, worry, or fear, I had made it! The walk back out seemed to go by so fast because I was able to let go and just BE.
What obstacles are you facing in your life right now? Do they feel daunting? Have you lost sight of your goal? Are you drowning in overwhelm?
Are you kicking and fighting against the lessons? Are you hiding in pain hoping that they will go away? Have you accepted that life brings us opportunities to learn and grow? Are you ready to embrace the journey and BE?
There is no judgement or right place to be on your journey. I honor you, wherever you are on this path. My wish is that you acknowledge where you are and be alright with that. As you become conscious, you can then progress and move forward.
I would love to hear from you. We are all on this journey together. Let’s reach out and assist each other!
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