Have you ever had an experience where you didn’t know if you had the words to describe it accurately?  That is what I am going to attempt to do today.

Last week my husband suggested that we go do “Float Therapy.”  I had never tried it before but I was up for a new adventure!  When we arrived they showed us the float tanks and explained the procedure to us.  We were told that it was very relaxing and that some people even fall asleep.  I really had no expectations but relaxing sounded great to me.  I was not expecting the special experience that I was soon to have.

I showered as instructed and got into the tank.  It was pitch black inside the tank, I could hear nothing but silence, the water was body temperature and very buoyant.  I laid back in the water and was thrilled at how comfortable and relaxing it was to float in the tank.  With no stimulus of any kind, I easily drifted into a deep meditative state.  Answers to questions I had been pondering quickly came to me. New and exciting ideas to further my life mission flooded my mind.  The way I was receiving information was more of a knowing than hearing words.  I was thoroughly enjoying this download of information.

At some point everything shifted and changed.  I was no longer experiencing life from current time.  I found myself in my mothers womb.  I liked the water that surrounded me, it felt like a warm blanket embracing me.  I had no need to move, I was so comfortable and peaceful.  I could hear my mothers heart beat, constant and reassuring.  And I could FEEL HER LOVE for me.  I “remembered” when she first found out that she was pregnant; how thrilled she was.  She was excited to have the opportunity to be MY mother.  I “knew” that she loved me long before she saw me in person.  I experienced her hopes and dreams for me.  I could hear her voice as she gently talked to me and sang me songs.  I loved her voice it was so beautiful.  I also heard conversations concerning me between my mother and father.  As they spoke and I could “feel” the love they had for me.

Throughout my life I never doubted that my parents loved me, but after this experience (of awakening cellular memories) the intensity of their love for me is unquestionable.

If you understand about cell memory you know how I was able to remember things that happened when I was so young.  If you are not familiar with this, you might be wondering about my experience or even questioning the validity what I have written.

Cellular Memory:  I don’t claim to be an expert on this subject.  But I have had other experiences similar to this one and I’ve studied enough to understand what happened in the float tank.  Everything we experience in this earthly life;  all experiences including, sounds, smells, feelings, sights and thoughts are recorded in the cells of our body.  Have you ever heard some say (or said yourself) I just have a feeling in my gut?  That isn’t just a saying that someone made up.  Past traumatic memories that have been recorded in the cells of the stomach are pulled up when we experience something similar.  These cellular memories can affect the way we respond to the new experience.

Much research has been done on the topic of cellular memory.  Some people who have had organ transplants have experienced odd changes in personality as well as specific changes in likes and dislikes.  Scientists have studied this extensively.  Research has also been done on the therapeutic values of accessing these cellular memories.  We have learned that is possible to access these traumatic memories, release them and assist the person to create a more joyous life.

One such therapy is Rapid Eye Technology.

I discovered Rapid Eye Technology in 2002.  I had a series of personal RET sessions.  After the sessions, depression I had struggled with for years lifted.  I learned new skills for living and my  life went from good to even better!  Before long I decided that I wanted to be able to share the gift of RET with others.  I went to the Rapid Eye Institute and received my certification to be a Master Rapid Eye Technician.

What is Rapid Eye Technology?  RET facilitates releasing through a safe, natural process of emotional discharge that seems to simulate REM sleep while the client remains awake.  The Life Skills give clients the opportunity to make new choices and recreate their lives.  Rapid Eye Technology addresses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of healing.

I am very thankful for the day I discovered Rapid Eye Technology.  It was the beginning of my amazing journey of self healing and assisting others to create more joyous lives!

We Are All Whole  . . .  Perfect Beings of Light and Love.  Along life’s journey many of us have had experiences that clouded our vision of who we really are.  This results in experiencing  depression, sadness, fear, guilt, anxiety, panic, pain, addictions and PTSD.

Rapid Eye can assist in gently releasing the trapped trauma and teach new more effective skills for living.  With these tools and skills you will be on the path to “Remembering That You Are Light And Love”  and finding your “Passion For Life!

If you or someone you know would like to experience Rapid Eye Technology, please fill out the contact form below. I would love to assist you or your loved one in letting go of trapped trauma and creating a truly joyous life.  You deserve to live the life that you dream of and feel that you are loved!

Can you “Feel the Love?”
